
My name is Kirrick Wise and I spent the last two years obtaining my Bachelors in Social Work. I am also a person that have been through a lot in my life. I know that sometimes life can be very difficult and hard. In those times you need your family, your friends, or your significant other. No matter who's in your corner in times of tragedy and pain, you want somebody in your corner that can uplift you, inspire you to feel better and just be a shoulder to lean on. 

So I created this hotline for people that may need somebody to talk to. You could be going through a personal problem, you could need some advice or you could just feel alone and need somebody to talk to. That's what this hotline would be for. I may not know you but I know pain, I know loss, I know how it feels when your whole would is crashing in front of your face and you can either face your fears or let the pain consume you. Without help from my family, friends, and community I would not have turned out to be the man I am today. My great grandmother showed me what unconditional love is, my grandfather showed me how to be a man, my Aunt gave me style and swag, my community made tough and taught me how to stand up for myself. School taught me how to create a net-work for myself. All of these variables led to me being able to create success for myself. One of the changing factors in my life was having people around me that I could talk to, and that gave me advice on certain situations in my life. Come to think about it I have always have people around me that supported me, and wished me well. So I promised myself that when I got older that I would be a symbol of love, inspiration and spirit to anybody that may need it. 

So if you need to talk, if you need advice, if you are going through something, if you just need to get something off your chest, you can fill out the form below and I will get back to you. Everything we talk about will be strictly confidential. I know that everyone may not feel like writing out what they are going through, so if you need to talk you can just email me your number and I will give you a call. I am not a doctor or mental health professional, just an ear to listen, a sounding board. Remember that pain should never hinder you, it should only make you stronger. Namaste to all, and remember that no matter what you’re going through you can get through it, always believe in yourself no matter what.